Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The art of distraction - window crayons

The summer in Houston is H-O-T, hot!!! It is also long.  It starts in April and ends about October. 86 degrees at 5 am and it only gets hotter. We spend a lot of time in doors. It is just too sweaty for this girl and my little chicks.  I'm always looking for ways to prevent cabin fever.  Here is a start to at least 30 minutes of activity.  I bring these out about once a week.

Dry Erase Crayons and/or Window Crayons

They are both great.  The Dry erase crayons are easier to find at the stores and are simpler for toddlers (no choking hazard caps).   Both will come off glass simply with window cleaner or soap and water. 
The best part is, there are no steps for this activity. I just pull up the blinds, remind the girls "windows only" and let them draw.

If your kids are anything like mine, they will also enjoy "helping" to clean up.  Watching their beautiful messy art disappear is part of the fun!

These delightful crayons also have more grown up applications. Try marking glasses and plain plates at parties. You could even let your guests design their own.

Let me know if you have found any other neat uses for the crayons. I'm not sure I could love them any more than I already do, but I'm willing to try.

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